How to enroll your Microsoft 365 tenant into Windows Autopatch - Header

How to enroll your Microsoft 365 tenant in Windows Autopatch

This article will show you the steps needed on how to enroll your Microsoft 365 tenant in Windows Autopatch.

What is Windows Autopatch?

Windows Autopatch automates updating of Windows 10/11, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft 365 software. Essentially, Microsoft engineers use the Windows Update for Business client policies and deployment service tools on your behalf. The service creates testing rings and monitors rollouts-pausing and even rolling back changes where possible.
We are pleased to announce that this service is now generally available for customers with Windows Enterprise E3 and E5 licenses. Microsoft will continue to release updates on the second Tuesday of every month and now Autopatch helps streamline updating operations and create new opportunities for IT pros.

How to enroll your tenant in Windows Autopatch

Tenant enrollment

Go to => Tenant administration and choose Tenant enrollment underneath the Windows Autopatch section.

Select both checkboxes and choose Agree.

how to enroll your Microsoft 365 tenant in Windows Autopatch
This is an old screenshot, the redeem trial promo option isn’t needed anymore now Windows Autopatch is Generally Available.

You will see that our tenant is ready for Windows Autopatch.

In our Tenant enrollment page, we now have the option to enroll our tenant in Windows Autopatch. Click on Enroll under Readiness status.

It will run a readiness check to see if all the requirements are met.

By selecting the checkboxes you will give Microsoft permission to manage your tenant, then click on Agree.

Next is to fill in the required details and click on Complete.

Windows Autopatch is now being set up for you. Keep patient, it only takes a few minutes.

Windows Autopatch is now ready! Click Complete.

Your tenant is now enrolled for Windows Autopatch and you are ready to discover devices.

how to enroll your Microsoft 365 tenant in Windows Autopatch

So this article showed you how to enroll your Microsoft 365 tenant in Windows Autopatch and get you started with it. Keep an eye on my site for some more posts on Windows Autopatch and a deep dive on how to register your device.

Feel free to check out some of my other posts on my website.

Nicky De Westelinck

Nicky De Westelinck is a Modern Workplace Expert for Arxus with several years of experience in Microsoft 365. His main focus is Microsoft Intune and Microsoft 365 Administration. He is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2021.

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