How to get started with Power Pages (Preview)

This article will show you the steps to get started with Power Pages (Preview).

Yesterday Microsoft announced Power Pages, the newest member of the Power Platform family, at Microsoft Build. What is Power Pages? As I quote Microsoft:

Microsoft Power Pages is a secure, enterprise-grade, low-code software as a service (SaaS) platform for creating, hosting, and administering modern external-facing business websites.

Microsoft Docs

Introducing Power Pages

To be honest, I’m not really a Power Platform kind of person. In my younger years, I was pretty interested in designing websites with editors like Adobe Dreamweaver. So this announcement really caught my interest, and I really needed to check it out.

Because everything is already described in the Microsoft Docs via this link, I will not go into further detail about this.
I’m more of a technical person, so I will show you the steps needed on how to get started with Power Pages. Let’s go!

Let’s get started!

Go to and sign in with your Microsoft 365 account. You will get to the startup page of Power Pages. Now press Get started.

How to get started with Power Pages (Preview)

This will bring you the experience screen. Here you can choose three options based on your own experience on creating websites. In this example, we choose “No, I’ve never built one before“.

How to get started with Power Pages (Preview)

Now we are going to choose a template. For now, there are only four templates available. We are going to choose the default one for now. Choose the default one and press Next.

How to get started with Power Pages (Preview)

Power Pages need some information regarding the new site, like a name and a URL. Give your site a name and choose a URL, it will create an address. We are also creating a trial environment, but if you got your own Power Platform environment you can go with that one.

In the Show more details section, you can find the name of the trial environment that will be created (if you choose to create one) and also the site language. For now only English (United States) is available. Now press Done.

The creation of the site will start. Please be patient, it will be available in a couple of minutes.

Your Power Pages website is ready to be edited. If you want a Preview of your website, press Preview on the top right corner and choose desktop/mobile.

This is how our site will look when you choose Preview in desktop mode.

So these are the steps you need to do if you want to get started with your first Power Pages website. Be aware that it is still in preview and more features will become available in the future.

If you are interested in more of my articles, feel free to take a look at my blog.

Nicky De Westelinck

Nicky De Westelinck is a Modern Workplace Expert for Arxus with several years of experience in Microsoft 365. His main focus is Microsoft Intune and Microsoft 365 Administration. He is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2021.

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