This blog post will describe how you can create an Azure Dynamic Group.
The interesting part of this type of group is that you can create a group that automatically add users with a specific attribute (for example, “Department”)
In this blog post, I’ll show you how to create an Azure Dynamic user group that will add only users from a department (Marketing).
I’ve created a demo user who’s a member of the Marketing department.

Create an Azure Dynamic User Group
Go to and sign in with a Global Administrator. Then go to Azure Active Directory => Groups => + New group.

In this example, we will create a dynamic group named SG_DU_Marketing_Users. Fill in the Security Group information (Group type, Group name, Group description, etc…) and click Add dynamic query.

Add a Dynamic membership rule as shown in the image below and click Save.

Now click Create to finish creating the dynamic group.

Now that the group is created it can take a couple of minutes until the user is visible as a member of the group.

So that’s it. We’ve now created a group that automatically add all users from the department Marketing.
There are several ways to create a dynamic membership rule. You can find more of the available type properties on Microsoft Docs. Click here to check out the webpage.
Hope you found this post informative. If you have any remarks or questions, feel free to leave a reply or give me a shout on social media.
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